Travel with us

Join our adventure as we explore the world with our chaotic little
Swiss & English Family

Thanks for coming!

I'm Luke, the man responsible for this website, and one quarter of the Swenglish Family.

I started this travel blog in 2024 to document our crazy family travels and experiences, share our photos, and help others learn how to travel the world and provide some handy tips and tricks along the way.

We're currently based in Bali, Indonesia, where Nicci and I had our second date!

Together, we're ticking off our bucket lists one adventure at a time. We've seen and experienced some amazing things. From hiking up Lions head mountain in South Africa (with the first born strapped on my back), to Snorkeling with Mantas in Flic en Flac, Mauritius. We've seen exotic wildlife, and visited some spectacular temples, and monuments around the world. And we're not done yet...

We haven’t seen everything we'd like to, but we're working through our list. I hope this travel blog can help and inspire you in your own journeys as well!

About Us

We are a Swiss and English family with two little boys, traveling the world and sharing our experiences. From toddler-friendly restaurants to travel hacks, we've got you covered!

Seit Februar 2024 steht unser Leben Kopf. Wir haben die Schweiz verlassen und sind nach Südafrika geflogen. Wir bereisen die Welt, lernen unbekannte Orte kennen, treffen spannende Menschen und wachsen täglich an neuen Herausforderungen.

Wir haben uns für diesen bunten und chaotischen Lebensstil mit einem grossen "JA" entschieden, um freier und glücklicher zu sein und unsere Kinder aufwachsen zu sehen. Wir sind losgelöst von Normen, Regeln und dem alltäglichen Trott und schaffen gemeinsam unvergessliche Erinnerungen. Wir halten die Armen offen für unser Leben und werden sehen was die grosse weite Welt für uns bereithält.

Wir möchten mit unserem Lebensstil und Erlebnissen andere Menschen inspirieren, zum lachen bringen und zeigen, dass es sich lohnt ein bisschen Mut zu haben und an den eigenen Träumen und Zielen festzuhalten.

Since February 2024, our lives have been turned upside down. We left Switzerland and flew to South Africa. We travel the world, get to know unknown places, meet exciting people and grow with new challenges every day.

We chose this colorful and chaotic lifestyle with a big "YES" in order to be freer and happier and to see our children grow up. We are free from norms, rules and the daily grind and create unforgettable memories together. We keep the poor open to our lives and will see what the big wide world has in store for us.

We want to use our lifestyle and experiences to inspire other people, make them laugh and show that it's worth having a little courage and sticking to your own dreams and goals.

As with every big adventure, we've learned some things along the way...
and we are still learning!

We've compiled a few tips to get started before you begin your own amazing journey.