About Us

Seit Februar 2024 steht unser Leben Kopf. Wir haben die Schweiz verlassen und sind nach Südafrika geflogen. Wir bereisen die Welt, lernen unbekannte Orte kennen, treffen spannende Menschen und wachsen täglich an neuen Herausforderungen.

Wir haben uns für diesen bunten und chaotischen Lebensstil mit einem grossen "JA" entschieden, um freier und glücklicher zu sein und unsere Kinder aufwachsen zu sehen. Wir sind losgelöst von Normen, Regeln und dem alltäglichen Trott und schaffen gemeinsam unvergessliche Erinnerungen. Wir halten die Armen offen für unser Leben und werden sehen was die grosse weite Welt für uns bereithält.

Wir möchten mit unserem Lebensstil und Erlebnissen andere Menschen inspirieren, zum lachen bringen und zeigen, dass es sich lohnt ein bisschen Mut zu haben und an den eigenen Träumen und Zielen festzuhalten.

Since February 2024, our lives have been turned upside down. We left Switzerland and flew to South Africa. We travel the world, get to know unknown places, meet exciting people and grow with new challenges every day.

We chose this colorful and chaotic lifestyle with a big "YES" in order to be freer and happier and to see our children grow up. We are free from norms, rules and the daily grind and create unforgettable memories together. We keep the poor open to our lives and will see what the big wide world has in store for us.

We want to use our lifestyle and experiences to inspire other people, make them laugh and show that it's worth having a little courage and sticking to your own dreams and goals.

We are a Nic and Luke, the parents of a Swiss and English family with two little boys, traveling the world and sharing our experiences. From toddler-friendly restaurants to travel hacks, we've got you covered!

Where did it all begin?

Nicci and I have always had very strong individual passions for travel.
Unknowingly we were destined to meet and share our passions, which would eventually put us on this journey we find ourselves on.

Unsurprisingly, we actually met whilst travelling. I was in Thailand with a close friend celebrating a wedding, and Nicci was passing through on her way to Australia where she would spend a year working as an ESL teacher.

We met in a cooking class on a tiny relatively unknown island "Koh Lanta". We spent almost every minute of the next three days together, and we enjoyed every second. When the time came for us to go our separate ways, as Nicci moved on towards her end destination and I began my journey home to England via Indonesia, we shared a very sad boat journey to the airport together. I didn't want our time together to end so abruptly, so I asked her to come with me.... and to my complete surprise she said yes! we went on to spend a wonderful week together in Indonesia, spending time in Bali and Nusa Lembogan.

Sadly, the time did eventually come for us to part ways, as Nic went on to Australia and I went back to my life in England.
We spoke every single day for months on end until one random Wednesday afternoon I came home from the pub to find her sat on my sofa in my living room!

She had planned to surprise me with a friend of mine who had a key to my house. And surprised i was!!

Together we spent 3 months living together in England before again Nicci went back to Australia to live and work. Again, we continued to speak every day and this time we agreed it was my turn to visit her.
I flew to Australia, and we spent another month together.
After arriving back in England, we agreed that we couldn't sustain this lifestyle of back and forth, and we also agreed that we didn't want to spend another day apart. So, I asked Nic to come and live with me.

After spending just over a year together in England and welcoming our first son, we decided to move to Switzerland, where we lived for just over three years in which time we welcomed our second son, before beginning our crazy journey around the world as a completed family of four.

How we afford to do what we do...

You didn’t come this far to stop

black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile

One of the first questions we're asked when we meet new people is "How do you afford this lifestyle?"

The Short answer is Give up everything you own!!
That sounds quite dramatic and also daunting, it is also the absolute truth.
When we started this journey, we made a commitment to it. We were absolutely convinced that this is what we wanted and that we were ready to do it!

Our first step in preparing for our new life was to let go of anything we couldn't fit inside three suitcases.
It is surprising how much "stuff" a family of four accumulates over time, and it's also surprising how much of it we not only didn't need, but also didn't want.
It was so refreshing to give up so many of our belongings, and it also gave us a bit of perspective about what it is that actually makes us happy.

So, we sold EVERYTHING

We started by selling our house in England, we sold our furniture, our pots, pans, dishes etc. we sold our winter clothes, our bikes. we decided that if it didn't fit in the suitcases, we didn't need it, and we wouldn't be coming back for it.
Anything we couldn't sell we donated, and our sentimental items stayed with family.

This gave us the Cash to get started, and it took us a long way!
But the money had to run out at some point... And it did!